Patent Acquisition Opportunities

Smart Luggage

The opportunity, comprises one (1) family with three (3) international patent assets relevant to smart luggage

Please contact us for more information.

Energy Efficient Smart Lighting (Received Offer)

The opportunity, comprises three (3) families with eight (8) granted US patents relevant to smart lighting systems in outdoor, industrial, commercial, and home applications. Six (6) claim charts are available under NDA.

Please contact us for more information.

5G SEP Portfolio

The opportunity, available to select operating companies comprises eighty-nine (89) patent families, including forty-four (44) 5G SEP families. Claim charts will be made available to qualified buyers under NDA.

Please contact us for more information

Image/Video Editing

The opportunity comprises four (4) families, twenty-nine (29) assets, including twenty (20) US patent assets applicable to image and video editing applications. Specifically, the patents disclose methods and devices related to producing clear, transformed images or video from multiple inputted images that are stitched together, accounting for parallax errors and warping. Claim charts will be made available to qualified buyers under NDA.

Please contact us for more information

AR/VR and IoT (Received Offers)

The opportunity comprises four (4) patent families with four (4) granted US patents protecting head-mounted display and IoT implementations.

Please contact us for more information

Synthetic Image Generation for Machine Learning Systems (Received Offer)

The opportunity comprises two (2) patent families with nine (9) granted patent assets protecting visual machine learning systems trained to identify objects and generate Synthetic images and other related technologies. Four (4) claim charts are available to interested parties under NDA.

Please contact us for more information

Smart Trackers

The opportunity comprises one (1) family with two (2) granted patent assets protecting a novel system and method for power-efficient bidirectional tracking between a tracked personal object and a wearable device.

Please contact us for more information.

Smart Displays / Infotainment Systems (Received Offer)

The opportunity comprises one (1) patent family with four (4) patent assets related to smart displays and vehicle infotainment systems , specifically virtual assistants with built-in memory and a display. Seven (7) claim charts versus various commercially available home and automotive products are available to interested parties under NDA.

Please contact us for more information.

Playlist Customization

The opportunity comprises one (1) family with three (3) patent assets, including two (2) granted US patents and one (1) pending US patent. The portfolio protects methods for user-controlled features related to managing and sharing media and is applicable to companies that provide media streaming services, including social media companies. Four (4) claim charts are available to interested parties under NDA.

Please contact us for more information.